
Sunday, December 16, 2018


Hello again!
 I had time to finish up another project that was sitting on my desk, after finding the perfect sketch and perfect technique for this chilly guy. 

I colored this cutie up as soon as I got him, but then the MOJO disappeared. 
Along comes the sketch challenge from Freshly Made Sketches and a technique shared on the Unity Stamps Facebook age~

Love the modern look of this card.  And I love this snowman!  (He is from Unity Stamp Co.)
I am also linking up to Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge- Christmas

Thanks for stopping by and Have a Blessed Christmas if I don't make it back here before then!

Lee Ann  

Winter Time

Hello All! 

Time is such a funny thing.  It can drag like a snail or it can fly by, as it seems to be doing now.  Can you relate?  This is the last week of the semester and a week before Christmas.  I will not be posting much over the next week or so as I am headed out of town to see my parents.
 I had this image from Unity Stamp Co colored up and just needed to turn it into a card. 

This stamp had not seen ink- I was inspired to pull it out when I saw this challenge from
Pinspirational Challenges~

As this card is most likely going to my niece, I gave her black hair instead of blond. 

I am also linking up to Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge, Warm Winter Wishes.  This young lady is warm in her hat ans sweater! 

Thanks for stopping by!

Lee Ann 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

CAS Thanks

Hello All! 

Are you finding yourself scrambling as Christmas gets closer and closer?  I have really tried to slow down this year and not worry so much about the doing.  I am even getting ahead on my Christmas thank yous.  I used the sketch at CAS(E) this Sketch to jump start my creativity~

Please excuse the crummy photo; I have not been able to get photos done with good lighting. 

I used an old Crackerbox  image and a sentiment from Stampendous for this easy peasy card. 

Sketch I used~

I am also linking up to the ABC Christmas Challenge- Z is for 'zero embellishments'. 

Thanks for stopping by~

Lee Ann 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Fall Coffee Lover's Blog Hop

Hello, Hello!

I am a bit late to the Fall Coffee Lover's Blog Hop, but I finally got to craft yesterday evening and played with some new toys.  I really need to stop trying to get fancy with every thing and K.I.S.S!  This card was fraught with errors as I did LOTS of masking, but in the end I think it turned out OK.

I used two W Plus 9 stamp sets, a Christmas set from last year- Holiday Trimmings- and a new set,  Hello and Thanks.  I used the matching die on the sentiment, which I adore!
I created masks for all of the images, then put the mask down where the cup would go and stamped my ornaments masking them as well.  Once the ornaments were stamped, I folded back the cup mask and stamped the floral spray.  Next, I masked the floral spray and lined up the cup image with the cup mask that was still in place.  Once the stamp was ready to go, I removed the cup mask and stamped the cup.  lastly, I masked the cup and flowers and stamped the saucer.
I have all of my oopsies hidden behind various components.  Hopefully next time execution will be better!~
My background was one of those in a pile waiting to be used.  It was the perfect shade of red- made with Ken Oliver Color Bursts.

I am linking up to
Inkspirational- Anything Christmas
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge- Anything Goes
52 Christmas Card Throwdown-  Pick a Previous 2017 Challenge.  I used Sept. 2017 Colors.

Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Christmas Season!

Lee Ann