
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Sweet Strawberry

Hello All!

I am back again with another Strawberries post.  This is one of the new releases from Divinity Designs.

My strawberry image was stamped on Bristol cs using Versafine Onyx Black ink.  The image was then colored with Arteza Watercolor Brush Pens.
The panel was then matted with a rectangle die cut using a Pierced Rectangle Die.
My card front was matted with patterned paper from the Pretty Pink Peonies Paper Pad.  I added a narrow white panel along the left hand side and edged it with parts of a die cut from the Delicate Doily Die.  A few sequins finish it off!
I am linking up to The Card Concept Challenge, where I was inspired by the colors.

Thanks for stopping by!

Lee Ann 


  1. Hi Lee Ann! Oh my, gorgeous coloring on the strawberries and leaves! Love how you used the trellis like trim too! Thanks for playing along at the Card Concept


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